
Readers React:  A Putin-Obama power game in Syria

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To the editor: Your news analysis about Russian President Vladimir Putin showing up President Obama was misleading. (“Putin’s Syria gambit shows up U.S.,” News Analysis, Oct. 8)

The U.S. does not have a dog in the Syria conflict. Look at a map and you can see that Russia has an interest — and a large naval base — in Syria. We do not.

Putin is wrong in betting that world power comes from military force. Power in this century comes with economic clout, which the U.S. has and is expanding.


We are safe and our economy is growing. Let Russia pursue an old military power concept, and let us continue to let our economy grow and prosper.

Obama is a man of vision. We are fortunate to have him as our leader.

Louis Rosen, Pacific Palisades


To the editor: Those who criticize Obama would do well to ask what Putin’s objectives are. The military forces that have been deployed so far may be adequate to prevent the immediate collapse of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria. However, they are inadequate to end the fighting and are definitely insufficient to destroy Islamic State, which would require tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of combat troops.


I will speculate that within six months Putin’s show of strength and commitment to an ally will have become an unmitigated folly and disaster.

Arch Miller, Arcadia


To the editor: I’m not at all sure what our foreign policy is in Syria, let alone the world.

We are once again involved in a conflict that has no positive finale.

We are supporting a rebellious group that is and has been attempting to overthrow the rightful, albeit by our standards not very nice, government or president.


When there is an area of the world where the people follow a religion that has innumerable sects with beliefs that are irreconcilable with each other, where is peace to be found?

I think we are entitled to an answer from the administration to the question, “Why are we not allied with Russia instead of opposing it in another losing battle?”

I smell the ripening seeds of another Vietnam.

Bob Curran, Hollywood


To the editor: Considering how the U.S. adventure in Iraq and the Russian adventure in Afghanistan turned out, I’m delighted to see Putin deciding to take on another war in the Middle East.

It won’t be long before we’ll be able to ask him the question from Dr. Phil: “How’s that working for you?”

Those who think Obama should imitate Putin’s belligerence should have their heads examined.


Donald G. Marshall, Fullerton

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