
Readers React: Black Lives Matter should protest gang activity, not politicians


To the editor: The Black Lives Matter group has a legitimate cause and every right to protest over its concerns regarding the killing of black people across the country. Targeting Mayor Eric Garcetti, however, is misguided. (“Facing hostile Black Lives Matter protesters, Garcetti’s South L.A. forum ends abruptly,” Oct. 19)

The loss of black lives as a result of police actions — whether justified or criminal — is minuscule compared to the loss of black lives as a result of gang activity and other criminal actions rampant in communities across the country.

If the group really wants to stop the tragic loss of black lives, it should protest against those who are responsible for the vast majority of the senseless and clearly criminal killings it is so passionate about preventing, not the mayor.


Mike Morris, Chatsworth


To the editor: I’m all for letting other viewpoints be heard at town gatherings, but Monday’s community meeting in South L.A. was a joke, and the mayor needs to wake up.

At Holman United Methodist Church, dozens of demonstrators crowded the stage and began to grab microphones, demanding to be heard. That is not how a healthy, civilized public meeting is held. That is what happens in a place like Syria.

Wake up, Mayor Garcetti. Stop deferring to angry, unreasonable protesters. Let them embarrass themselves and not you.

John Glass, Costa Mesa
