
Readers React: The San Francisco way on immigration isn’t the American way


To the editor: I am 63 years old. If my grandmother were alive today and I could tell her that there is a city in California that openly defies federal immigration law and boasts about it in the media, she would not believe me. She would also not believe that the federal government allows it. (“In face of criticism, S.F. supervisor reaffirms city’s sanctuary policies,” Oct. 25)

When I was a child, the gap between conservative and liberal was minimal. Both sides had the same objective and similar American values. They differed only on the path one should take to achieve a common goal. It was a healthy political environment.

This is no longer the case.

The American left has replaced e pluribus unum (out of many, one) with multiculturalism. It has replaced “In God we trust” with a secular-based value system, and liberty with equality.


This is why we see such a gap between conservatives and liberals today. This is why we see a city like San Francisco openly defying federal law.

This country is losing what it means to be uniquely American. I feel sorry for the people of San Francisco.

Bill Gardner, Los Angeles

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