
Readers React: Democrats who oppose the gas tax hike are betraying their party and the taxpayers

Gas prices are displayed at a Chevron station in Sacramento in October 2017.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

To the editor: There are times when being a Democrat becomes frustrating, especially when candidates appear afraid to stand on valid principles and take a weak, deferential approach to matters of significance, which pleases no one.

The new opposition to the gas tax by some Democratic challengers to Republican House incumbents is a perfect example. Instead of vigorously defending this minimal tax that is long overdue and will provide a significant benefit for the state, we get the usual cowardly deferral to the anti-tax zealots, who hate the idea of paying for anything that provides a public benefit.

The tax is easy to defend, with facts that are clear and concise. I’d be willing to donate for a shipment of spines to be sent to the candidates’ campaign offices.


Jan Rainbird, Irvine


To the editor: Senate Bill 1 is commonly known as the gas tax increase. It should be referred to as the gas tax and car registration increase.

My guess is that most people probably have not noticed that they are paying more to register their car this year than last year. Is it referred to as the gas tax increase so the public won’t realize that their car registration fee has also increased?

Look at the fee you paid in 2017 and compare it to your 2018 fee. Surprise!

Orrin Turbow, Oxnard

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