
Opinion: Why weren’t the sheriff’s deputies who failed to help Gabriel Fernandez at least fired?

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To the editor: I remember when 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez died in 2013 after being tortured by his mother and her boyfriend, and I was horrified at how the system failed that little boy as it has failed so many others. That the Los Angeles County social workers who were complicit in his death have been charged is small comfort. What I did not know is that several sheriff’s deputies had the opportunity to step in and help him. (“L.A. sheriff’s deputies disciplined after horrific torture death of 8-year-old boy,” Jan. 1)

Time after time, deputies “investigated” and did nothing. Their callous disregard for Gabriel led to his death. For the county blue ribbon panel to recommend changes in protocol is all well and good, but why would anyone, especially individuals hired to serve and protect us, need written rules to simply act as a decent, caring people? That these deputies are still on the job is unacceptable.

It is shocking that none of the nine deputies involved in Gabriel’s case were criminally charged along with county social workers. But considering the culture of corruption and dishonesty in the Sheriff’s Department, I should not be surprised.


Britt Lind, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: I wasn’t sure which I wanted to do first while reading this article: Be sick or cry. I can only imagine how the people who actually tried to help this poor child feel.

My prayer is that Gabriel has found peace in death and that the deputies who did nothing will be haunted forever by their disgusting failure to do their job and by their absolute failure as human beings. That poor child suffered, and the deputies couldn’t be bothered.


Laurel Taylor, Valencia

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