
Pastor slams Newt Gingrich as the ‘GOP’s Kim Kardashian’ in video

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Pastor Cary Gordon is warning Christian voters in Iowa not to trust Newt Gingrich. The attack, in the form of a three-minute satirical Web video, is a sign of Gingrich’s growing strength among evangelical conservatives in a state where that voting bloc is extraordinarily influential.

The hip-hop video circulated by Gordon calls Newt Gingrich “the GOP’s Kim Kardashian for his many infidelities on marriage -- gay, straight and his own.” The star of the video is a filmmaker and entertainer, Molotov Mitchell, whom Gordon describes as “the guerilla warrior of Judeo-Christian political commentary.” (Watch the video below.)

Gordon is sending the video via text message to every registered Republican or non-aligned Iowa voter with a cellphone on record. He says it is necessary because Gingrich’s favorability rating among Iowa Christians “keeps going up and up.”

Gordon, who leads the 1,000-member Cornerstone Church in Sioux City, Iowa, says he feels he must speak out against Gingrich because “he terrifies me” as a potential leader without a strong moral compass.


Gordon’s news release also blasts the former House speaker for dodging the Iowa Family Leader’s Marriage Vow -- a sweeping political pledge document that addresses adultery and fidelity, gay unions and health issues, fatherless children, U.S. monogamy and Islamist polygamy -- which has been signed by three 2012 presidential hopefuls: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.). Gordon recently endorsed Santorum.

Gordon says he forgives Gingrich for his past marital and other transgressions. “But at the end of the day, I have to make a decision on his credibility. I think Newt should run for a lower office, serve for a while and show us a record of no flip-flops and consistent support of Christian morality,” he said.

Gordon is also not happy with another GOP alternative, Mitt Romney. “They are just slightly more highly polished versions of John McCain,” whom Gordon said he also viewed as an insufficiently credible candidate.
