
WWE WrestleMania 30 results: Daniel Bryan wins; Undertaker streak ends

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Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE world heavyweight title

Bryan got his Wrestlemania moment, making Batista tap out to the Yes Lock. The show ended with the 70,000+ chanting “Yes” as Bryan held up the titles. Excellent match. Tomorrow’s Raw will be very interesting indeed.

14-Divas match for the Divas title


AJ Lee retained when she slapped the Black Widow on Naomi. No one in the audience cared because they were still stunned that the Undertaker lost.

The Streak vs. The Beast: Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

In a stunning upset, Lesnar pinned Undertaker after the third F5 of the match. It was a slow match, but picked up at the end. Undertaker hit a tombstone, but Lesnar kicked out. Undertaker went for second tombstone, but Lesnar reversed it into an F5 and got the pin. The crowd in the SuperDome was stunned. No one thought this would happen. In fact, many fans complained about the match because most figured there was no way Lesnar would be the one chosen to end the streak.


The crowd gave Undertaker a standing ovation as he slowly walked to the back. This will make tomorrow’s episode of Raw very interesting.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Cena won with the AA. Several times during the match, Wyatt begged Cena to finish him off so he could prove that Cena has a dark side and isn’t the hero everyone says he is. He even handed Cena a chair near the end and begged Cena to hit him with it. Cena didn’t, and remained the hero to kids everywhere.


Andre the Giant Memorial 30-Man Battle Royal

It came down to Cesaro and The Big Show. It looks like the Cesaro push begins now, as he won after picking up Big Show and dumping him over the top rope. An unbelievable show of strength. The final four were Cesaro, Big Show, Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio.

The Shield vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws

In what was basically a squash match, The Shield won after Roman Reigns speared Kane double power-bombed Road Dogg and Billy Gunn.

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H

A classic match, with Bryan winning with the running Busaiku knee. Bryan kicked out of the Pedigree and sold a bad shoulder thoughout the match, so no one can complain that Triple H didn’t put Bryan over.


After the match, Stephanie McMahon came into the ring and slapped Bryan, allowing Triple H to attack Bryan from behind. He then rammed his bad arm into the ring post and hit it with a chair, making Bryan a huge underdog heading into the WWE world championship match against Randy Orton and Batista.


WrestleMania 30 is underway in New Orleans. We will have complete match-by-match results here. Will Daniel Bryan defeat Triple H and move on to win the WWE world heavyweight title? Find out here.

Hulk Hogan came out to officially open the show, but referred to the SuperDome as the Silverdome. Twice. The fans started to boo him, but he recovered by telling them he was thinking of Andre the Giant at WrestleMania 3, which was at the Silverdome.

Hogan was interrupted by Stone Cold Steve Austin, who came out to a raucous reception. He welcomed everyone to WrestleMania and was interruped by.... The Rock.

Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock in the ring at the same time. Isn’t it all downhill from here? Rock put over Austin and Hogan, did his catchphrases and good-naturedly made fun of Hogan for getting the name of the arena wrong. After finishing with his “If you smell what the Rock is cookin’ ” catch phrase, the three of them shared beer as the crowd went crazy. Fantastic opening to the show.



In the pre-show match, The Usos retained when both Usos splashed Cesaro for the pin. Los Matadores were eliminated first, but Swagger. Second fall saw Cesaro pin Ryback with the Neutralizer. After the Usos won, Swagger berated Cesaro, then slapped him in the Patriot Lock. Manager Zeb Colter calmed him down and demanded he shake hands with Cesaro. Cesaro grabbed his hand, pulled him down and slapped the Giant Swing on him, then left Colter and Swagger in the ring.

Cesaro can be a huge babyface if they use him properly.
