
Metta World Peace stars in 10-minute music video

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The video’s opening scene features a rapper performing on stage, inspiring the crowd to wave their hands in the air. The video then cuts to frequent shots of drinking, dancing and women scantily clad. On and on it goes, just like the other countless hip-hop music videos already have shown.

Yet, when this 10-minute video features Lakers forward Metta World Peace, it boasts even more head-scratching moments.

Per Times policy, it’s not appropriate to embed the video on this post since it features plenty of suggestive lyrics and images. But it’s not exactly hard to find.


You’ll see World Peace puking into a trash can after an apparently long night of drinking with friends. You’ll hear World Peace spit out verses that wouldn’t earn much praise among the hip-hop community (“You, you, you and you why you hating me? / I don’t know but a lotta people hating me.”).

You’ll scratch your head that World Peace boasts he used to smoke weed and drink alcohol before games. You’ll notice his friends still address him as Ron Artest. You’ll laugh as World Peace wonders why he could never land a spot with USA Basketball after starring in a video that explains why well enough.

World Peace can be funny. He can also be strange. And in this latest 10-minute video highlighting his love for rap, clubbing and women, it mostly fits the latter.


(H/T to The Basketball Jones)


Caption contest: Metta World Peace enjoying shots at a bowling alley


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