
More Green Tips and Facts


Tips on what you can do in your home to help save the Earth and big bucks too.
Click on each tip for more information.

  • 1

    Invest in a programmable thermostat and set it way up or down (when everyone’s at work/school, and asleep at night); program it to turn “on” shortly before folks get home/wake up/ Save: If used properly, as much as $150 a year.

    Sept. 16, 2014

  • 2

    Set your hot water heater no higher than 120 degrees.

    Sept. 16, 2014

  • 3

    Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. This will save as much as 10 gallons a day, a person.

    Sept. 16, 2014

  • 4

    Paper or plastic? Neither! Take a cloth bag with you to the grocery store.

    Sept. 16, 2014

  • 5

    Trees help reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide.

    Sept. 16, 2014
