
Uber and Lyft basics

Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

Uber and Lyft work similarly: Users download an app on their smartphone and use the app to request a ride. Both show the price of the ride before you hit “confirm,” and then let you follow along on a map as your ride approaches. Both also offer upgraded services for higher prices; prices pop up for each type of available service when you request a ride so you can choose among them before you confirm the ride. Lyft offers Lyft Lux, with high-end vehicles for four passengers; Lux Black, with premium black car service; and Lux Black XL, with premium black SUVs that seat up to six. Uber has UberX, the basic service; UberXL, for up to six passengers; UberSelect with luxury vehicles for up to four passengers, and UberBlack and UberSUV. The company recently introduced UberPool for low-cost ride sharing. Lyft users who accrue Delta SkyMiles, take note: You can link your Lyft and Delta accounts to earn miles while you hop around town.

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