
Your Scene: Machu Picchu in Peru

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Times reader “audreyfan86” captured this view of Machu Picchu in Peru. The ruins represent the Incan civilization at its height, in more ways than one. The complex, which dates back to the 15th century, stands about 8,000 feet above sea level in the Andes Mountains.

Machu Picchu celebrates the 100th anniversary of its rediscovery this summer. In honor of this occasion, this blog is posting 100 facts related to the ruins, one a day, leading up to the milestone. Check back at for each day’s fact.

View past photos we’ve featured. To upload your own, visit our reader travel photo gallery. When you upload your photo, tell us where it was taken and when. The more we know about the photo, the more likely it is that we’ll feature it in our daily “Your Scene” posts here. To help us credit you properly, please include your name and city of residence.

— Jason La
