
Nebraska: Search for sandhill cranes with Jane Goodall

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

Birding with Jane Goodall is a fantastic notion, but not an unrealistic one this spring. The naturalist best known for her longtime work among chimps in Africa will be on hand for a March trip to witness the migration of sandhill cranes at preserves and viewing areas in Kearney, Neb.

The Jane Goodall Institute sponsors this four-day trip that features an evening of crane viewing plus cocktails and dinner with Goodall. Other activities include visiting the Rowe Sanctuary on the Platt River, birding and hiking in Rainwater Basin with natural history author Scott Weidensaul and naturalist Bill Wallauer and a nature photography workshop.

Date: March 28-31.

Cost: $6,000 per person, which includes accommodations, airport transfers to and from Omaha, meals, lectures and excursions. Airfare is extra.


Info: Jane Goodall Institute, (800) 592-5263
