
U.S. announces airstrikes in Iraq near Baghdad, Sinjar

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The U.S. military’s Central Command released the following statement late Monday about airstrikes against Islamic State targets:

“U.S. Military Conducts Airstrikes Against ISIL near Sinjar and Southwest of Baghdad

“U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, employing attack and fighter aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Sunday and Monday in support of Iraqi Security Forces near Sinjar and southwest of Baghdad.

“The airstrike southwest of Baghdad was the first strike taken as part of our expanded efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions to hit ISIL targets as Iraqi forces go on offense, as outlined in the President’s speech last Wednesday.


“In total, the strikes destroyed six ISIL vehicles near Sinjar and an ISIL fighting position southwest of Baghdad that was firing on ISF personnel. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

“These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and help Iraqi forces on the offensive against ISIL terrorists.

“U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 162 airstrikes across Iraq.”

U.S. manned and unmanned aircraft have launched at least 160 airstrikes in northern Iraq since Aug. 8, but the missions have been devoted to protecting religious refugees and two major dams threatened by Islamic State, not a ground offensive to retake territory. U.S. strategy calls for aerial bombardments to support local ground troops, including Sunni tribes that do not join forces with the militant group.
