
Gold Standard: Kyle MacLachlan won’t do ‘Jaws’ but Christopher Walken ... yes!

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Kyle MacLachlan is a man of many TV titles. He’s the mayor on “Portlandia.” He’s “The Captain” on “How I Met Your Mother.” (Nobody beats his readings from “H.M.S. Pinafore.” Nobody.) And on “Believe,” he played Dr. Roman Skouras, a renowned geneticist with dark secrets and plans to build a psychic army.

MacLachlan joined The Envelope for a live Web chat and he talked about all of these roles, as well as “Twin Peaks,” of course, and his ongoing friendship with its creator, David Lynch, who, yes, apparently makes a damn fine cup of joe.

We also spoke about the unlikely inspiration for the Captain (MacLachlan has a soft spot for such ‘60s TV shows as “The Beverly Hillbillies” and “Gilligan’s Island”) and channeling William Shatner when improvising the lyrics to Portland’s city anthem on “Portlandia.” (Small wonder he’s treated like royalty when he visits the city.)


One viewer tried to get him to sing the Portland anthem, and, learning that he knows Robert Shaw’s USS Indianapolis monologue from “Jaws,” we requested a little Capt. Quint. MacLachlan humbly passed on both, but did break out his best Christopher Walken. Yes, he’s a man of many talents (check out his Gilbert and Sullivan singing here), so dish up some cherry pie, pour a cup of hot black coffee and listen in, won’t you?

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