
Readers React: EPA chief Scott Pruitt’s cone of silence is straight out of ‘Get Smart’

EPA chief Scott Pruitt, shown testifying before a Senate committee in January, spent more than $43,000 of agency funds for a soundproof phone booth in his office.
EPA chief Scott Pruitt, shown testifying before a Senate committee in January, spent more than $43,000 of agency funds for a soundproof phone booth in his office.
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press)

To the editor: The installation of a soundproof telephone booth in Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt’s office reminds me of the 1965-70 television show “Get Smart.” (“GAO says EPA violated spending law on Pruitt’s privacy booth,” April 17)

On that show, the “cone of silence” came down on agent Maxwell Smart and the chief when they wanted to talk privately. The running joke was that when inside this cone, they could not hear each other. Much laughter ensued whenever this happened.

Who is laughing now? Not the Government Accountability Office. Perhaps a few strained chuckles of amazement came from taxpayers for the $43,000 cost. However, Pruitt did get some silence — he apparently could not hear the deep rumblings of investigation.


Marian Gasser, La Mirada


To the editor: Pruitt had a soundproof telephone booth installed in his office for $43,000. Since when is environmental protection information considered top secret?

Pruitt is evidently unsure of which agency he leads. He has confused the acronyms, EPA and CIA.

President Trump, when will we hear your exclamation, “You’re fired”?

Wayne Muramatsu, Cerritos

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