
Opinion: What was the point of The Times’ editorial series if it didn’t sway Trump supporters?

Members of the group San Fernando Valley For Trump Celebration and others march down Hollywood Boulevard in support of the president.
Members of the group San Fernando Valley For Trump Celebration and others march down Hollywood Boulevard in support of the president.
(Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: The Times’ editorial series will not be read by the one-third of the population who still admires and supports President Trump.

While these people can be demeaned or ridiculed, there is the harsh reality that our Constitution allows such a minority to choose a president, who over the unimaginable expansion of this country now has the plenary power to do what Trump is doing.

There should be no comfort in explicating the depredations of Trump, as if such an articulation will inherently lead to his downfall. His power is what was given the leader of a weak country with no military that was closer to the stone age than what our world has become. Trump is reveling in this power, with his supporters sharing pleasure in destroying the intellectual and technical infrastructure that had provided hope for weathering the immense challenges that face our world.


Al Rodbell, Encinitas


To the editor: Though I voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson, I recognize something: Clown that he is, Trump’s election represents blowback. A large chunk of the electorate showed it is fed up with the world being saved on its back.

That the Democratic Party deserved to be designated blue, not red, because it represented the blue-collar workers was exposed as a leftist conceit. The media needs to earn back some respect if it wishes to claim objectivity.


Heaping vitriol on Trump is easy, but letting it slop over on the folks fed up with progressivism is unconscionable.

Gene Lundy, Lawndale, Va.


To the editor: How in the world could you write a series about Trump and not mention what a future controlled by this man holds for American women?


The editorial board has some explaining to do.

Sally Connell, Cayucos, Calif.

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