
Taking a smelly sandwich on board an airplane? Think twice

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Regarding Letters, March 5: I have traveled to New Orleans many times, and I love po’boys as much as anyone. However, I would ask readers to consider the assumption by the letter writer who brought the sandwich onto the plane that all passengers were appreciative of his food.

The stench of convenience food being brought on and consumed in the close quarters of an airplane cabin is considered insensitive at best, if not rude, by many air travelers. It’s right up there with talking too loudly, body odor and fully reclining one’s seat-back into the face of the passenger behind.

John Macdonald, Laguna Niguel

You’ll find the airport, regardless


Regarding Letters, March 5: I always find it amusing the things that bother folks. Most airport websites have a link to its location to help those unfamiliar with that particular airport. Names or three-digit identifiers seldom lead you to a location.

Our local airport (John Wayne/ Orange County/Santa Ana) could be one of the hardest to locate using its official designation of John Wayne.

Still, we honor a man who was an important resident for many years.

Paul Brown, Santa Ana

‘Resort fee’? More nickeling-and-diming


Regarding “Resort Fees Hiked at 10 Las Vegas Hotels” by Jay Jones, Feb. 26: My wife and I used to visit Vegas four or so times a year. With the new, insulting “resort” and parking fees, no more.

Soon it will be, “Oh, you wanted a key for your room? That’ll be a $10 key fee! And you want to use the bathroom? $5 per flush fee.”

It’s not so much about the money as it is the cynicism. As our old Aunt Gladys used to say, “They can all ‘pound sand.’”


Ambrose Bruce Terrence, Marina del Rey

