
How neuroscientist and actress Mayim Bialik prepares for back to (home) schooling

Mayim Bialik discusses her sons’ learning process through everyday lessons.

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As kids come down from the summer rush, Los Angeles-area parents are scrambling to buy the latest clothes and setting up their carpools, if they haven’t done so already.

But for neuroscientist and actress Mayim Bialik’s two sons, almost 7 and 10 years old, school is always in session.

Bialik’s kids are part of the 3.4% of U.S. students ages 5 through 17 who are home-schooled, according to 2012 data from the National Center for Education Statistics.


“I think for our family learning continues all throughout the summer. We don’t really look at it like back-to-school, we kind of consider the entire year is your life. So I guess you could say that we never leave school ‘cause we’re always in it, or we’re never in school ‘cause it’s just life,” Bialik said at a recent event with Texas Instruments at the Sotomayor Learning Academies, where the company gave local students TI-84 calculators that Bialik signed.

She said she uses experiences like baking and cooking to teach her sons math applications in the real world. “It’s ... all part of finding the science and the math that just occurs naturally.”

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