
Danish Soldier Killed in Roadside Blast Near Basra

From Reuters

A Danish soldier was killed Thursday in southern Iraq when his vehicle hit a bomb by the side of the road near the city of Basra, the Danish central army command said.

“I can confirm that one Danish soldier was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq,” an army spokesman said, adding that one other soldier was injured.

Denmark has about 530 troops serving in Iraq under British command. Three Danish soldiers have died in action in the country since the start of the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.


Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he would not withdraw the troops.

“I made it clear that Denmark will stay in Iraq, we are in Iraq to assist the Iraqi people in achieving freedom, peace and prosperity,” he said.

“It is not up to the terrorists to decide the future of Iraq. The future of Iraq should be decided by politicians. It is our intention to stay in Iraq as long as it is on the request of the Iraqi government and as long as it is supported by the U.N. and we think we can make a positive difference,” he said.
