
Shawcross’ support for Iraq war draws flak

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Re “Peace is not the answer,” Current, Oct. 9

What is most striking is that the front page of Sunday’s Times had a great article (“A Central Pillar of Iraq Policy Crumbling”) that explains how William Shawcross’ opinion is just so far from the truth. The article clearly explained how the insurgency is growing in Iraq in spite of the so-called democracy brought there by our proud American leaders at gunpoint. Shawcross says the peace movement should shut up because America brought this type of democracy to Iraq, and he is quick to speak on behalf of Iraqis when he says that they want America to help them. The majority of Iraqis want the U.S. out.

The only thing America has given to Iraq for decades is death and misery, including support for Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war and the sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands. I wish Shawcross would look into his history books and understand why this sham of a democracy is no excuse for so many deaths in Iraq.





Shawcross suggests that the United States should continue occupying Iraq to address the hardships the Iraqis are suffering. If so, why stop in Iraq? Let’s invade India because if a woman does not get pregnant, or does not produce a son, her husband might kill her. Let’s invade some African countries because of the almost daily incidents of bloodshed. Let’s invade every country that has a dictator, every country where the people are oppressed. Since this is an impossible task anyway, we should save our fellow Americans’ lives before this war gets any worse.




I don’t need to be lectured by Shawcross on who he feels is moral. Regardless of his endorsement of staying the course, he refuses to admit the lies that got the coalition in Iraq in the first place. That would make those so-called peace marchers who he claims are not open-minded or lack sympathy considerably more moral than he is.



