
Koran-burning unwise, Boehner says

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House minority leader John Boehner of Ohio suggested Wednesday that a Florida pastor’s plans for burning of the Koran were unwise, comparing it to plans by a Muslim organization to build a mosque near ground zero in New York City.

Republican Boehner, on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” was asked to weigh in on the planned Koran burning being organized for Saturday, the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorism attacks, by Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla.

“To Pastor Jones and those who want to build the mosque: Just because you have a right to do something in America doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do,” Boehner said.

“So you’re telling him not to do it?” asked host George Stephanopoulos.

After a pause, Boehner said: “Well, listen, I just think it’s not wise to do this in the face of what our country really represents.”

Religious leaders in the United States have condemned the planned book burning, and Army Gen. David Petraeus, who is leading U.S. forces in Afghanistan, has urged restraint, concerned that images of Americans burning the Muslim holy book could incite a violent backlash against the troops.

The imam of the planned mosque and community center in Lower Manhattan spoke out Wednesday about his organization’s plans to proceed with the project.
