
Obamas hit the beach

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On vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama managed to squeeze in some family time Thursday afternoon after spending the morning taking briefings on the economy, the situation in Libya and Hurricane Irene.

Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their two daughters spent the afternoon at a private beach, which they have already visited twice since arriving in Martha’s Vineyard last Thursday.

Before heading to the beach, Obama was briefed by his top counterterrorism advisor, John Brennan, on overnight developments in Libya.


He also spoke with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and other White House officials about Hurricane Irene, which is expected to make landfall in the Carolinas by Saturday morning.

“The president directed his team to ensure all needed resources are included in the preparation efforts and asked them to continue to closely coordinate with state and local officials in those areas that are likely to be affected,” Josh Earnest, the president’s principal deputy press secretary, said in a statement.

Obama also spoke with Chief of Staff Bill Daley, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Budget Director Jack Lew and Gene Sperling, director of the National Economic Council, about the economy.


The group discussed “the progress being made on the new jobs proposals and deficit reduction measures that the economic policy team has been developing this week,” Earnest said.

Obama has promised to produce a major jobs proposal after Labor Day.

The first family is expected to return to Washington this weekend. Obama is scheduled to deliver the keynote address Sunday at the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial on the National Mall.

Reston reported from Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Geiger reported from Washington.

