
Fashion Extravaganza Is ‘Center Stage’

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<i> Times Staff Writer</i>

Today’s Junior League member usually maintains a fashionable image--while continuing to make a difference in her community. Those active, on-the-go Pasadena members are center stage in that respect.

Their luscious, slick invitations are arriving for A LA MODE (which translates “according to fashion”), their second annual “Center Stage” fashion extravaganza Feb. 23 at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel.

Mrs. Terry Perucca (Cynthia) is reeling around the clock with Saks Fifth Avenue (Beverly Hills), Revillon Furs and all her league chums to outdo the first Center Stage, and thus raise reams for the Pasadena league’s community projects.


Recently, over lunch at the Caltech Athenaeum, she, Elsie Sadler, who’s sustaining advisor; Jennifer Murphy, president, and Joan Anderson, who works on public relations when she’s not promoting the effort to raise funds for the Statue of Liberty repairs, observed that the previous benefit raised $75,000. That was on seating for 600. So, they figured out a way to increase gifts from benefactors by 300% and a way to seat 1,000 for each of the two shows. With three weeks to go, only a few tickets remain for the matinee luncheon at $40 and $50, and they expect a sellout on the gala dinner show at $80 and $100.

Says Cynthia, “Last year we were afraid no one would come. And we turned away several hundred.”

Robin Billings of Billings Productions is producing the show. And leaguers Mmes. John Cameron, Stephen Chandler and John L. Poole have major roles.


So will the models--league members who were chosen, we hear, in some fiery December competition. Husbands, teen-agers and children are also prepping for the show.

By the way, that sleek velvet gloved arm on the invitation cupping the scoop of luscious raspberry sherbet--for a la mode--holds a scoop of dyed mashed potatoes. We shouldn’t have told you.

California Secretary of State March Fong Eu addressed Southwestern University School of Law Affiliates in the Eldorado Room of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion (and also appeared at the Australia Day luncheon in Beverly Hills).


According to Affiliates chairman Mrs. James Cobey, the group has established a scholarship loan fund for students who have child-care responsibilities. About 40% of Southwestern’s student body are women, many with children, she said.

Dr. Harry Handler, superintendent of schools, Los Angeles Unified School District, heads the agenda Thursday for members of the Los Angeles County chapter of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge.

He’ll speak on “Education: Are We Making Gains?” at the luncheon meeting at the Beverly Hilton, according to Mrs. Eugene Bishop, president. Elizabeth Lawton is program chairman.

John Considine and Conrad Bain are celebrity auctioneers for the Los Angeles County Epilepsy Society auction Sunday at the Factory Place Gallery.

South American artist Ricardo Carbajal and Sister Corita Kent dreamed up the idea for the auction, says Howard C. Floom, board member of the society.

It’s Lords and Ladies Day on Tuesday at Town and Gown at USC.

At the traditional annual event to welcome “lords” in gratitude for their financial and moral support, Town and Gown ladies have asked their husbands, sons, fathers and brothers to join them to recognize 117 students who receive Town and Gown scholarships.


Mrs. Jack F. Conley, president, will introduce John Dyer, general manager of Southern California Rapid Transit District. He speaks on “Transportation 1985 to 2000.”

Then, Feb. 26, the group wends over to the Beverly Hilton to honor David L. (for Lloyd) Wolper at its annual benefit.

Friday evening, Pasadena Junior Philharmonic Committee heralds its 1985 Pasadena Showcase House of Design at an English supper preview. Mrs. Larry Knudsen says members and guests will dance the night away before getting down to the serious business of redecorating the house for the spring public showing.

Friends of Hillsides Home for Children host “A Day at the Races” Saturday at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia.

Planning the day are Mmes. William Allen, Doyal S. Boring, Herbert Botsford, John T. Boyle, James Crabtree, Lloyd A. Dixon, Frank Grant, Lloyd P. Johnson, Jud O. Roberts, Frank Simmons, John Sullivan, William G. Williams and Miss Hilary Lloyd.

The Cultural Commission launched 1985 with a membership party at the newish Le Bel Age Hotel.


Marlene Riceberg (Mrs. Edward) and Millicent Wise (Mrs. Robert E.) are co-chairmen of the new drive, working with John R. Conely, new chairman, and a board which includes Rogg Collins, Glen A. Holden, Sherwin L. Memel, Richard Z. Ziman, L. Lee Phillips, Ethel Narvid, Larkin Arnold, Joel Baker, Robert DeMeter, William R. Pagen and more.

Their goal is to raise funds for arts programs in the city.

They have a choice of two. Members of Los Angeles chapter of Hadassah may attend luncheon either Sunday or Monday at Sinai Temple, according to Elaine Schenirer.

Either way, they’ll raise funds for Jewish Ethiopian children to go to Israel.

Chapter president Rhoda Balton, Betty Berick, Mary Sobele and Mary Scovis head the events.
