
Freak Accident Blamed in Death of Guard

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A50-year-old Glendale security guard was found dead next to his car in the Pacoima Canyon Wash area of Sylmar Tuesday morning. Los Angeles police said they do not suspect foul play.

Chester Fuller of Glendale was apparently the victim of a freak automobile accident, Lt. Bernard Conine said.

A man walking his dog discovered Fuller’s body at about 7:30 a.m. Tuesday next to the opened passenger door of his car just off Harding Street about a mile east of the intersection of Harding Street and Eldridge Avenue, Conine said. The car was nose down in a ravine, its back wheels off the ground, Conine said.


Police believe the victim died late Monday night or early Tuesday morning, Conine said. Fuller, who worked as a security guard for a Glendale firm, was still wearing his guard uniform, but police said he was not on duty at the time of his death.

The car had only minor damage and there was no evidence of injury or foul play, Conine said.
