
The Big Sisters Planning a ‘Great Hopes!’ Benefit

<i> Times Staff Writer</i>

They’ve dubbed tonight “Great Hopes!” and the Big Sisters of Los Angeles will announce Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hope as their Humanitarian couple of the Year at a dinner dance at the Beverly Wilshire.

Kay and Robert Dockson (he’s chairman of the board, CalFed Inc.,) are benefit chairmen.

Among the other dinner “chairs” are Clara and Bill burgess, doris and supervisor Deane Dana, Dorothy and Gerald Foster, Gretchen and George Gibbs Jr., Frances and Armand Hammer, Edwina and Tom Johnson, Mary Etta and Emmett McGaughey, Gerry and supervisor Pete Schabarum, Marilyn and randy Stoke and Joan and Carl Terzian.

According to custom, the Sisters announce the 1985 Women of Achievement. This year’s winners are Andrea Van de Kamp, director of public affairs for Carter Hawley Hale and wife of California’s attorney general; Altovise Davis (Mrs. Sammy), Los Angeles Visitors and Convention Bureau ambassador, and Mary Ann Dolan, editor of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner.


The idea is to help Big Sisters help little sisters blossom into productive members of society.

George Charles Page, who always has had a soft spot in his heart for Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, simply walked in, the way H. Russell Smith, chairman, tells it, and said he’d like to give $1 million to the hospital’s just-rolling $40-million capital campaign.

That’s why Smith and Mrs. Gabriel Carlos Duque, president, will host a personal black-tie thank-you dinner for philanthropist Page at the Los Angeles Country Club Friday evening.


The campaign is not for more hospital rooms, but “to bring the hospital up to the state of the arts” in research and reorganization of space. Should “pace-setter” be changed to “Page-setter?”

Keeping Up: It was the old ruse: Ann and Bob Matthiessen thought they were going to dinner with Russell and Carlotta Keely and Bill and Penne Durst. Instead, their offspring--Chris, Bobby and Carrie--surprised them with a 25th anniversary party that was riotous fun. They secretly asked their parents’ friends to “try your best” to wear period garb of the ‘50s and ‘60s, and among those obliging were the John Matthiessens, the Charles Keelys, the Tony Liebigs (Biddy in her Marlborough uniform of yore), Louise and Peter Reich...

Joan and Hank O’Melveny welcomed home their boat, Toyon, with a happy celebration at the Los Angeles Yacht Club...


Michael Novarese, who designed gowns for 14 of the California contingent to the Reagan Inaugural, will be honored by the Los Angeles City Council and the Tiffany Guild of the Crippled Children’s Society in the council chambers Friday. Novarese will be lauded for his generosity in staging the society’s benefit fashion show 14 years...

Marion Siciliano’s exhibition of paintings at Ciyt Hall merits a reception Friday evening at Bridge Gallery, hosted by Mayor Tom Bradley himself...

The Girl Scouts celebrated their 73rd birthday with a fashion show and honored Mrs. Helen Means with a proclamation. Now the Scouts turn to their annual dinner dance May 13 honoring former First Lady Betty Ford. It’s at the Bonaventure...

Mrs. George Randolph Hearst Sr. hosted the Palm Springs Hilton Riviera luncheon honoring Sen. Orrin Hatch, junior Utah senator, to benefit the Elvirita Lewis Foundation and senior citizens of the Coachella Valley. Col. and Mrs. Leonard Kleckner were co-chairmen. The foundation was established in 1975 by the late Mrs. Lewis, a winter resident of Rancho Mirage and owner-developer of Rancho Donarita, a 1,000-acre citrus ranch. The foundation does good deeds such as supplement salaries of elderly clerks, writers, carpenters, child care aides in community projects...

The newly formed Affiliates of The Webb Schools hosts its firs benefit Saturday evening in LeBel Age Hotel. Mrs. Fritz Moser of Claremont is chairman and the goal is to raise $100,000 for a student center.

A Scandinavia/Russia Royal Viking cruise will be auctioned, among many things, and a new Porsche will be raffled.


Devoted workers include Mmes. Murray Hutchinson, William Guptill, Leon Zalben, Joan Rehnborg, Paul D’Arcy, Charles Diamond, Paul Selzer and Stuart Barton.

It’s a heavy--but light and fun--schedule the next few days.

Rainbow sherbet colors set the elegance Sunday evening for the Club 100 of the Music Center dinner and dance at the art-filled home of Sue and Steven Antebi. Members and their escorts, giving the nod to St. Pat, will wear shamrocks for name tags and dine on LA Gourmet delicacies and dance to Sid Engels’ music. President Eunice Forester and Mrs. Leon Morton are coordinating the evening.

Vista Del Mar Associates presents Saint Laurent’s spring and summer collection (from Rodeo Drive’s Saint Laurent Rive Gauche) at a tea at Le Bel Age Hotel today. Mrs. Irving J. Thau, president and Mrs. Henry J. Bamberger, chairman, boast a sell-out crowd.

George Cukor’s contributions to USC’s libraries have been of such import that Friends of the USC Libraries are giving in his honor a copy of the Duc de Berry’s Book of Hours (valued at $8,000) to be placed in the rare book collection.

Anna Bing Arnold will receive the precious volume for the university at a gathering Sunday afternoon at Doheny Library. Hostesses include Mmes. Edgar Bergen, Sybil Brand, Richard C. Dickmann, Tichi Wilkerson Kassel, J. Douglas Pardee, Charles Ritcheson, Simon Ramo and William Schaefer.

And more: Sandpipers provisionals pay “A Tribute to Hollywood” at their gala Saturday at the Airport Marriott. President Lynn Parker says proceeds will benefit the South Bay Children’s Health Center in Redondo Beach. Gay St. Clair is benefit chairman...


The ACLU Foundation of Southern California dedicates its building at 633 S. Shatto Place, in honor of Seniel Ostrow, Friday...

Olympic Gold Medalist Grel Louganis will be honored by the Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific on Friday evening at its black-tie benefit dinner at the downtown Crocker Center atrium. Funds will be directed to a South Pacific nutrition project to educate women on how to grow and prepare food for their children who traditionally suffer malnutrition...
