
FAA to End Air Traffic Curbs at Six Airports

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Associated Press

The head of the Federal Aviation Administration, saying that he is optimistic that airline delays can be held in check this summer, told airlines Friday that temporary curbs on flights at six busy airports will end on April 1.

FAA Administrator Donald D. Engen told reporters that improvements in the air traffic control system and indications from airlines that they will not resume “bunching” of flights around peak travel periods make the scheduling agreements at the six airports unnecessary.

Airports Affected

The restrictions, which were aimed at spreading out flights and easing congestion during peak travel periods, went into effect last November at airports at Atlanta, Denver, Chicago, and Newark, N.J., as well as both New York City airports.


In a letter to the Air Transport Assn., which represents most of the major air carriers, Engen said that he sees no further need for special flight restrictions instituted by the airlines last fall after the FAA threatened to impose restrictions if no action were taken to curb delays.
