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<i> Times Staff Writer</i>

Assembly Floor Action:

Lobbyists: A bill (AB 92) that would allow lobbyists to spend $30 on a state legislator for gifts and meals over a three-month period rather than only $10 a month was sent to the inactive file by Assemblywoman Sunny Mojonnier (R-Encinitas). The bill was rejected in a deadlocked 35-35 floor vote last week. Mojonnier had received permission for reconsideration but decided she did not have the necessary votes for approval.

Committee Action: Japanese: The Assembly Public Employees and Retirement Committee unanimously approved a bill (AB 198) by Assemblyman Phillip Isenberg (D-Sacramento) that would repeal a state law used to fire state workers of Japanese ancestry during World War II. A 7-0 vote sent the bill to the Assembly floor.

Bills Introduced:

Kesterson Reservoir: AJR 40 by Assemblyman Jim Costa (D-Fresno) asks the President and the Congress to continue the delivery of water to farmlands that would otherwise be taken mut of production upon closure of the Kesterson Reservoir and the San Luis Drain.


Senate Floor Action: AIDS: Approved, by 38-0 and 30-7 votes, respectively, two bills designed to lessen public fear about the risk of contracting acquired immune deficiency syndrome through blood transfusions. The legislation would set up guidelines for screening tests recently ordered by the federal government and protect the privacy of persons who take the free tests. It also would appropriate $5 million in state funds to pay for the tests. AB 488 by Assemblyman Mike Roos (D-Los Angeles) and AB 403 by Assemblyman Art Agnos (D-San Francisco) now return to the Assembly for concurrence in Senate amendments.

Museum: Approved, by a 36-1 vote, a bill (SB 337) by Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles) that would appropriate $5 million to the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies in West Los Angeles to build a museum and acquire exhibits relating to man’s inhumanity to man. It now goes to the Assembly.

Free Speech Day: Approved, by a 23-11 vote, a resolution (SCR 7) by Sen. Nicholas C. Petris (D-Oakland) to designate Oct. 1, 1985, and every year thereafter, as “Free Speech Day” in honor of the student movement that began in October, 1964, on the University of California, Berkeley, campus. It now goes to the Assembly.


Committee Action: Latchkey Children: The Senate Education Committee unanimously approved a bill (SB 303) by Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles) that would appropriate $100 million to set up before- and after-school care programs for children of working parents. A 9-0 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. A similar measure was vetoed by the governor last year.

Miscellany Duffy Resignation Rumor: Deukmejian Administration insiders say that Secretary of Environmental Affairs Gordon Duffy, a Republican, will resign his post about the time he marries Assemblywoman Jean M. Moorhead (D-Citrus Heights) in June. Duffy said any such announcement now would be “premature.” But he said he never intended to be a long-timer in the Administration and will leave “when it is convenient for the governor.”
