
Fluor-Trammell Crow Development Proposal for Irvine


As a Newport Beach property owner and Irvine area employee, I am enthusiastic about progress in the Orange Coast area, specifically, the Fluor-Trammell Crow development plan.

It is obvious to me that the plan answers the needs of the community and alleviates serious traffic congestion for the area. It is equally clear, from the Irvine City Council meeting broadcast, that Fluor has as much right to develop its land as anyone else in Irvine.

Why, then, is the Irvine City Council not representing its constituents, those of us who live and work here, in approving this blessing for the community?



Newport Beach

I watched with sadness and amazement the antics of the Irvine City Council at its protracted special meeting to consider Fluor’s request to develop its own property.

It was apparent to me that the Mayor and at least two other council members had already made up their minds before coming to the hearing, and no amount of facts would be admitted. The opinions of reputable witnesses were ignored--a former Irvine City attorney and an Irvine traffic specialist might as well have saved their breath. No evidence was introduced to refute their statements. I have never witnessed such blatant disregard for truth and legality.

I know wonder why the council went through the pretense of calling a special meeting to “hear” the issues involved. It seems obvious that their ears are plugged to anything except the interests of the Irvine Co.



As a long-time employee of Fluor Corp., I remember quite well that the City of Irvine invited Fluor to relocate here and, ever since then, the Irvine Co. and the city have used Fluor’s name and its glittering buildings on the 405 Freeway as trademarks to attract business to Irvine.

All the more reason that I cannot understand the attitude of the Irvine City Council in digging up a technicality as a flimsy excuse for denying Fluor the right to build on its own property. It seems to me that, after Fluor has brought so much business into the city, now the city is just giving Fluor the business--and not in a nice way.

The recent City Council meeting was the worst travesty of justice I have ever witnessed. We can only believe that the City Council is bowing to the wishes of Irvine Co. and Koll, who are acting like dogs in the manger about further development in this city.



