
Civil Defense Budget Cut

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I agree with Greene that the protection of the civilian population is the primary obligation of government. For that reason, I support all local, state and national efforts for planning in case of earthquakes, floods, fires and other natural disasters. I am vitally concerned that such preparedness continue. We need to know that community hospitals, fire departments, the police, etc., have coordinated plans to lessen the effects of such disasters.

On the other hand, I concur with the Office of Management and Budget in its 40% cut for nuclear-related defense. It is a waste to spend any dollars or time to save us in case of nuclear attack.

There is nothing anyone can do to save us after a nuclear attack! The people who survive the initial blast will be in a world so devastated that there is no possible protection. Underground shelters would be futile, as power and water supplies for them would be knocked out. Upon emergence, food would be so contaminated that it would be unfit for human consumption.


Dead and dying would be everywhere with transportation systems non-functioning, and health centers and hospitals destroyed or unable to function.

Plans and purchases should continue to protect us in case of natural disaster. But let’s don’t fool ourselves and waste precious resources of time and money by attempting the impossible. Nuclear-attack protection is impossible.


Santa Ana
