
Fingerprints, Photos of Mengele Don’t Exist

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United Press International

A West German magazine said Sunday that there are no fingerprints or current photos of the infamous Nazi “Angel of Death,” Dr. Josef Mengele, to identify him for trial if he is tracked down.

In a cover story on Mengele, the magazine Der Spiegel said the physician’s fingerprints are not on file and no usable photo of him exists. “The news photos that are circulating are considered forgeries by criminologists,” it said.

Mengele would be 74 if still alive, but the last authentic photo of him was made when he was about 50, Der Spiegel said.


Mengele became known as the “Angel of Death” for his inhuman experiments on twins and dwarfs that were aimed at creating a master race of blue-eyed blonds.

The magazine said its research carried out in the United States, Europe and Latin America has uncovered evidence that Mengele still is alive and living in Latin America.
