
Birthdays Celebrated at Vista Center : 2 Centenarians Take the Cake at Party

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Times Staff Writer

When Maude Farley Mohnike was born on April 19, 1884, Grover S. Cleveland was governor of New York, and the automobile had not been invented. The following year, when Lena Myer was born, Cleveland was elected the 22nd president of the United States.

One century and 18 presidents later, the two women are living at Faith Gardens Village Retirement Center here. On Wednesday, administrators at the center held a celebration to mark the women’s 101st and 100th birthdays.

The celebration was complete with speeches, food and a 22-piece Marine Corps band from San Diego, but the two centenarians stole the show.


While Myer philosophized about her longevity, Mohnike displayed a sense of humor that has made her famous at the retirement center.

When Mohnike was told she is 13 months older than Myer, she looked at the younger woman and replied, “I’ll have to set a good example, won’t I?”

Center officials said both women are in excellent health for their ages. Mohnike walks with a cane and lives alone in an apartment. Myer uses a wheelchair most of the time, but at her birthday celebration she decided to leave it behind.


Myer, actually born May 19, attributes her good health and long life to “doing everything in moderation.” She said she doesn’t fuss much, and that has helped a lot.

When asked if she has had a happy life, she replied, “I think so. I wouldn’t expect to be happy all the time.”

Myer was born in Wisconsin and grew up with 10 siblings, but only one 95-year-old sister survives. She has twin grandsons, a granddaughter and two great-grandchildren.


Mohnike, born in Iowa, has outlived two husbands--she spent 40 years with her first husband and 30 years with the second. She said she cannot understand why so many couples are getting divorced these days.

“I think it’s pitiful,” she said. “People aren’t giving any thought to what they are doing.”

When asked about her secret for long life, she thought for a while before responding, “I don’t have any secrets. I just enjoy life.”

Mohnike said she has seen many changes during her life, most of them for the good. However, she said she doesn’t remember much about the “old days.”

“I don’t have trouble remembering things,” she said. “I forget everything.”

Mohnike has two living children, five living grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.

Last year she received an American flag from President Reagan, marking her 100th birthday. The flag was donated to the center during the birthday celebration.


At the end of the celebration, 201 helium-filled balloons--representing the women’s combined ages--were released into the sky. The women plan to start an “Over 100 Birthday Club” at the retirement center. Officials say there are at least 10 people there in their late 90s.
