
‘Radioactive Garbage’

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The Times is to be commended for its insightful editorial (April 15), “Burying Our Radioactive Garbage.”

The editorial very clearly spelled out not only the urgency of the low-level waste disposal crisis, but also the opportunity we have to deal positively with this issue through the passage of Senate Bill 106.

Common sense tells us that it is better to provide for the safe disposal of harmful wastes than to face the possibility of its storage within our populated communities. Common sense also tells us that it is in our best interests to retain full control of our disposal site.


The California-Arizona compact meets the test of common sense. It should indeed be ratified immediately to protect our interests.

Last year I carried the legislation that would have ratified the California-Arizona compact. This year I am its principal co-author. Last year the proposal failed for lack of common sense, due to political demagoguery and election-year politics.

Unfortunately, the same thing may happen this year. Assembly Democrats have seized upon the opportunity to make the compact bill a siting bill, specifying that the disposal site will be located in Republican legislative districts. The siting amendments placed into SB 106 in the Assembly bypass the siting process established through legislation passed last session and represent an attempt to “protect” Assembly Democrats in marginal districts at election time.


Please continue to educate your readers on this vital issue. It is in the best interests of all of us that the California-Arizona compact be ratified, and that the siting issue be addressed according to the existing laws of this state.



37th District

Newport Beach
