
Santa Ana : Organization Honored for Preserving City Heritage

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The American Assn. for State and Local History has presented an Orange County group with the nation’s most prestigious award for contributing to the preservation of history on a local level.

At a recent meeting in Louisville, Ky., the association awarded its Certificate of Commendation to Heritage Orange County Inc. for its work in preserving the heritage of Santa Ana.

“We local historians owe a great deal to Heritage Orange County,” said Adeline Walker, who received the award for the group.


Walker credited the group and especially the work of Harold Thomas and Kathleen Les for the selection of downtown Santa Ana to the National Register of Historic Places last December.

A national selection committee chose the Orange County organization and 66 other historical groups, institutions and individuals in the United States and Canada from a field of 157 nominations.

Nominations originate locally, then are screened at state and regional levels by a national network of judges. Only those nominations approved in the preliminary competitions are considered for national honors.


The award has been presented since 1944 by the Nashville-based association. A nonprofit educational organization with a membership of 7,600, the association works to advance knowledge, understanding and appreciation of local history.
