
Letters : Something’s Missing

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I believe Barbara Baird’s article on Nordstrom (Times, May 2), with a bold black lead stating that “Nordstrom Seen as Good for All,” left out a very significant side of the story. There are many people in the immediate area surrounding the Westside Pavilion who have been apprehensive over this huge center since we were first made privy to its development.

In the same area where 12 stores once stood, 150 will now stand. It is hard to believe that a structure of this size was built without an environmental impact study or supposedly any zoning variances required. I have grave concerns with our planning commissions, traffic departments and our elected officials regarding these oversights.

I would be curious to know how much the Australian company that developed this mall has contributed to political coffers. Only when our former street (we have since moved) became organized and demanded strict traffic controls on the corner of Malcolm and Pico Boulevard did the developers and the traffic engineers recognize a problem in regard to the residential neighborhood.


Nordstrom and the Westside Pavilion will be considered “good for all” only when all the problems that come with a major shopping mall are recognized and solved.


Los Angeles

Putting Out a Welcome Mat

As a resident of Cheviot Hills for almost 30 years, I am absolutely delighted to welcome the new Westside Pavilion to our neighborhood. Not only is Nordstrom a beautiful addition, but the May Company has upgraded its facilities, and we are all winners. From what I hear, we’ll get our Vons back, plus a marketplace that will be a real boon to the area. The Hills of Cheviot and the Parks of Rancho have always been the best neighborhood in our City of Angels. We are truly blessed.


Los Angeles
