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Governor Will hold a general news conference in Los Angeles today, attend a Los Angeles County Federation of Republican Women fashion show in Beverly Hills on Wednesday and help open the annual Dixieland Jazz Jubliee in Sacramento on Friday.

Assembly Floor Action:

Japanese: Approved and sent to the Senate on a 62-2 vote a bill (AB 198) by Assemblyman Phillip Isenberg (D-Sacramento) to repeal a state law used to fire state employees of Japanese ancestry during World War II.

Mandela: Approved and sent to the Senate on a 55-2 vote a resolution (AJR 32) by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore (D-Los Angeles) urging the President and the Congress to call for the release of, and full amnesty for, Nelson Mandela and all other political prisoners in South Africa.


State Fair: Defeated on a 48-22 vote a Senate-passed bill (SB 207) by Sen. Leroy Greene (D-Carmichael) to appropriate $2.2 million from the state general fund to pay off bills of the California Exposition and State Fair. The bill required 54 votes, or a two-thirds majority, for passage.

Senate Floor Action:

Judges: Approved and sent to the Assembly on a 35-0 vote a bill (SB 574) by Sen. Ed Davis (R-Valencia) to increase the number of Los Angeles Municipal Court judges from 74 to 88 to help handle the case backlog.

Alcohol: Approved and sent to the Assembly on a 38-0 vote a bill (SB 364) by Sen. Ralph C. Dills (D-Gardena) to prohibit the use of advertising matter designed to encourage minors to drink alcoholic beverages. A violation would be a misdemeanor offense.


Miscellany Vietnam Memorial: Gov. George Deukmejian formally unveiled a model of a $2-million granite and bronze memorial to the more than 5,000 Californians who died in the Vietnam War. The memorial will be erected in Capitol Park and will feature a young soldier sitting on his helmet and reading a letter from home. It will be built with private funds. “This memorial will stand as a symbol of the supreme sacrifice of the more than 5,000 Californians who died or are still listed as missing in action in Vietnam,” the governor said.
