
There’s a Hawaiian Trip in Retiring High School Counselor’s Future

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Hippies and punk rockers never fazed Eloise Meador. As guidance counselor for Rancho Alamitos High School, she’s seen hair styles and fashions come and go during her 25 years at the Garden Grove school.

“I think each generation has a way of expressing their independence and feelings,” the 65-year-old Meador said. “Overall, the majority of them (students) turn into good citizens. The fads and fashions don’t really matter, it’s what’s inside that really counts.”

But Meador’s responsibilities as a counselor will end June 24, and her immediate retirement plans call for a trip to Hawaii in September--so that she won’t be around when school starts again in the fall.


She began her teaching career in Fredricktown, Mo., in 1940 and in 1961 moved to Garden Grove with husband Harry and daughter Barbara Callard (now assistant principal at Gahr High School in Cerritos) to teach high school business courses.

When Meador first came to Rancho she decided to go into school administration and was advised to take a counseling course as a suggested prerequisite. She found out counseling was her true “calling” and realized that she didn’t want the responsibility of an administrative post.

In all her experience, the one thing that never seems to change is the students’ attitudes about their past behavior.


“The main thing they always say when coming back for a visit years later is ‘I should have listened to you, but I thought I knew it all,’ ” Meador reminisced with a laugh.

Roy Q. Beven, Irvine High School science teacher, has been named Orange County’s Outstanding Physics Teacher. Former Irvine High School science students, now attending UC Irvine, honored Beven with the award. The UCI Science Education Advisory Board annually presents awards to outstanding biology, chemistry and physics teachers.

Laurel Stevens, a graduating La Habra High School senior, has been named one of 500 finalists in the 1985 United States Presidential Scholars Program. The U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Presidential Scholars annually identify the most distinguished and accomplished graduating high school seniors in the nation. Members of the commission, with concurrence of President Reagan, will determine the final selection of 141 students to be named 1985 Presidential Scholars.


Olympic gold medalist Peter Vidmar will make a personal appearance for Flag Day from 3 to 5 p.m. June 15 in the Center Court at the Buena Park Mall. Vidmar will demonstrate some of his gymnastic maneuvers and give an informal talk. Vidmar is traveling throughout the United States in an effort to express his gratitude for the support of the nation and to encourage youth to participate in athletic opportunities offered to them. The mall is at 8308 On the Mall.

Tom Osborne, history instructor at Rancho Santiago College, has been awarded a Summer Seminar Fellowship from the the University of California’s Institute of the Study of Global Conflict and Cooperation. Osborne will receive a stipend and participate in a UC Irvine seminar titled “Global Security and Arms Control.” He is a resident of South Laguna.
