
‘Dallas’ Designer Brings His Line to Newport

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Travilla, designer for the television shows “Dallas” and “Knott’s Landing,” provided the first West Coast showing of his fall line last week at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach.

The luncheon netted more than $10,000 for the Las Marineras Auxiliary of the Family Service Assn.

(Lumiere of Corona del Mar arranged for the fashion show.)

Travilla entertained the 350 in attendance with commentaries such as these: “In her early pregnancy, Donna Krebbs will wear this suit when she goes to visit her doctor in Dallas . . . If Sue Ellen ever gets sober, I’ll put her in this . . . Now this Spanish-style chantilly lace dress was the one Miss Ellie wore two weeks ago.”


Of note were a dress with a pocketbook sewn into the side (“for mad money,” explained Travilla), a deep sapphire blue velvet robe with stone-studded appliques which fell away to reveal a Marilyn Monroe-inspired sunburst of pleats, and occasional use of such exotic materials as matte-finished sequins, ruffled ostrich feathers, thistle-dyed raccoon and eel skin.

Event chairman was Jinny Beauchamp; Ellie Durgan assisted. Also attending were auxiliary president Mary Harvey and vice president Marilyn Early.
