
A Good Travel Idea

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The idea of a private developer in Pasadena wanting to build the first trolley system constructed in the area since the turn of the century is practical, economical and dramatic (“Developer Bets on Trolley for Restoring Old Town,” by Allan Parachini, July 14). It should convince our friends and critics in San Francisco that Los Angeles is not so far behind and still has a craving for romanticism.

As a resident of Beverly Hills, I would like to see such an innovation in this traditional and glamorous city--anything to replace those old, dilapidated shuttle buses that tour the business district with very few passengers even though there is no fare.

The idea is a particularly good one, aside from its dramatic impact, because it would decrease gasoline consumption all around as well as traffic congestion on our streets. And anything that prevents drivers from going through red lights, stop signs and occupied pedestrian crossings isn’t bad and deserves a try. Good luck, Pasadena.



Beverly Hills
