
Mission Viejo Development Wins Two Advertising Awards

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Mission Viejo, a development of the Mission Viejo Co., has been recognized nationally for having the “Best Outdoor Advertisement of a Corporate or Master-Planned Community” and the “Best Newspaper Advertisement, Multiple Project, Corporate or Master-Planned Community, Four-Color, Any Size,” two divisions in the 1984 Target Awards, jointly sponsored by Professional Builder Magazine and Builder’s Advertising Journal.

King Advertising & Public Relations of Newport Beach created the Mission Viejo ads. The Target Awards is a new competition dedicated solely to honoring real estate advertising.

Among the other California winners was Pointe Del Mar, a development of the W. A. Davidson Co. of San Diego, which tied for “Best Brochure, Individual Project, Over $175,000 Unit Cost.” Design Group West/Crouch & Fuller Inc. of Del Mar was the advertising agency involved. Lord Stirling Village, a development of Lanid Corp., in New York tied for this award.


Valencia, a project of the Valencia Co., was honored for having the “Best Brochure, Master Planned Community.” The Good Guise of Encino created the brochure.

Cowan Hills, a project of the William Lyon Co. of Newport Beach, won for “Best Newspaper Advertisement, Individual Project, B&W; or B&W; Plus One Color, Half-Page or More.” The advertising agency was Martin Advertising & Public Relations of Tustin. And Chanteclair, a development of Urban West of Walnut Creek, was honored for “Best Newspaper Advertisement, Individual Project, Four-Color, Any Size.” Webb & Associates Inc. of Lafayette created that ad.

These were among the 19 Grand Award Winners, selected by a panel of judges including Kevin J. Pfiefer, Roy Diez and Sanford Goodkin. Besides these winners, 35 advertising campaigns were cited for merit.
