
Like, You Know, He’s New to Interviews, You Know

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A Philadelphia radio man asked Dennis Harrah after Sunday’s game if the Ram offensive line wore down the Eagles in the fourth quarter.

“You’d have to ask Russ Bolinger here,” Harrah said. “I got hurt and he came in for me.”

“What?” Bolinger yelled, leaping to his feet. “An interview? You want to interview me? Wait a minute. Let me get rid of all the ‘you knows’ first.”

Bolinger turned his head to one side and blurted: “Youknowyouknowyouknowyouknowyouknow.”

Then he turned back to the interviewer and said: “OK, I’m ready.”

Michael Spinks told the New York Times he’s been doing some homework for Saturday night’s fight against Larry Holmes at Las Vegas.


Spinks said he had been looking at films of fights that matched light-heavyweight champions against heavyweight champions, such as Billy Conn vs. Joe Louis, Archie Moore vs. Rocky Marciano and Bob Foster vs. Muhammad Ali.

Unfortunately, Spinks said he didn’t learn much.

“If there was anything to learn,” he said, “it was how to fall, because everybody was going down, going down.”

Add Moore: Asked if he thought Spinks had a chance, he said, “No. I’m afraid Larry will chew him up. Michael may be faster than Larry, but you can only go so fast. Eventually you have to stop and fight.”


Trivia Time: How is it that the other guard on the BYU basketball team that featured Danny Ainge is seen on the cover of more publications than Ainge? (Answer below.)

How much is the Heisman Trophy worth? The last two recipients would tell you it’s well worth the winning.

Of Doug Flutie, William Gildea of the Washington Post says: “He’s rich, making $8.3 million over the next few years with his New Jersey Generals’ contract. Last month he was married. He and wife Laurie shortly will be seen together in a TV commercial for English Leather. He has a host of other endorsements. Opening soon: Flutie’s on Fulton, a New York restaurant; Phelan’s Bar will be in the basement, Phelan being Gerard, Flutie’s faithful friend who caught his miracle pass to beat Miami last fall.”


Of Mike Rozier, Gary Pomerantz of the Washington Post writes: “Mike Rozier has three houses, a shoe deal with Mizuno, a $60,000 red Mercedes that his teammates point to and whisper about, between $4 million and $6 million in post-Heisman football contracts, an IBM computer at his mother’s Camden, N.J., house that’s tied directly into his agent’s computer, and he is about to open two Burger Kings somewhere in New York.”

From Marty Noble of Newsday: “Some Met players have been less than pleased by recent attempts at humor by George Foster. Foster screamed at Rusty Staub from the dugout last weekend in Los Angeles while Staub was batting, encouraging Staub to “drag one.” They were particularly annoyed when Foster yelled to Gary Carter, who was doubled over in pain, ‘Hey, Gary, look over here. The camera is over here.’ Carter had taken a foul ball on his leg. Said one Met player about Foster, ‘I wanted to slap his face. Not punch him. Just slap his face.’ ”

Would-you-believe-it dept.: After ex-Yankee Doyle Alexander pitched Toronto to a win over the Yankees Sunday, Thomas Boswell of the Washington Post wrote: “Ironically, the Yankees still are paying all but $60,000 a year of Alexander’s $800,000 contract and will again next season.”

Trivia Answer: He’s Steve Craig, estranged husband of Marie Osmond.


New York Yankee owner George Steinbrenner, after watching Dave Winfield fail to deliver in a clutch situation: “Where’s Reggie Jackson? I need Mr. October and I’ve got Mr. May.”
