
New Television Series Is Tailor-Made for Liz

Times Staff Writer

MORE VIOLET EYES --Elizabeth Taylor and Columbia Pictures TV are in the final stages of negotiations that would bring La Liz to TV each week, a source said.

“Elizabeth Taylor’s Love Stories,” a 13-part anthology series--with Taylor playing a role in five or six episodes, while introducing and narrating the rest--could very well be on the home screen next spring. Don’t you just love the proposed title?

PERMANENT KUDOS--The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles inaugurates its Maynard Toll Luncheon on Oct. 23--which annually will honor lawyers in public service. It will do it by honoring Toll himself. A partner for 40 years in O’Melveny & Myers, Toll is a local legend, a living example of public service--known well in downtown power circles, a former head of his firm’s tax department, whose bio covers dozens of philanthrophic organizations. His service record includes: president of the American Bar Foundation, president of the National Legal Aid and Defenders, president of the L.A. County Bar, trustee of the County Museum of Art, president of the L.A. City Board of Education, member of the Council on Foundations, an organizer of United Way, and president of Town Hall. Co-chairs for the lunch are former Asst. Secretary of State Warren Christopher, County Museum of Art Board Chairman Camilla Frost, former Education Secretary Shirley Hufstedler, and Edward Carter and Philip Hawley of Carter Hawley Hale. Barbara Y. Johnson, president of the L.A. Legal Aid Foundation board of directors, gets the credit for putting it all together.


SETTING IT STRAIGHT--The White House called. A spokesperson for the First Lady said the item last week about Nancy Reagan having pals Marion Jorgensen and Ted Graber house-hunt for the Reagans in L.A. might give the impression that it was a top priority for the First Lady. The caller wanted our readers to know “ . . . house hunting is a low priority at this time. She (Mrs. Reagan) will look at a house if she happens to be out there and has time on her schedule.” Also, spokespeople for both Mrs. Reagan and Bonita Granville Wrather said there was just nothing to the rumor that the Reagans will take part of the Wrather property and build. Guess our sources were just out in left field--but we’re thrilled they’re reading the hometown paper in D.C.

WELCOME HOME--It was a hard act to follow. After all, Terry and Debbie Lanni have been in Las Vegas for three years, and, since he’s the Caesars World president, they’re used to those nightclub spectaculars. Now they’re back in L.A.--in Pasadena. And their buddies Jenny and Loring Rutt and Reese Milner (there with his very good friend, the very pretty Mary Daly) put on a party Saturday night at the Rutts’ that has to qualify Jenny as one of the town’s new top hostesses. On a dance floor crowded with folks just old enough to know golden oldies, people danced to the Mar Del’s (from Del Mar, natch) and then collapsed at pretty, flowered tables done by Milo Bixby. Investment banker Brad Freeman soloed Johnny B. Good, and Arletta and Don Tronstein (on their way to Palm Springs) parked their recreation vehicle in the driveway, with their kids (and those of friends Finn and Patsy Moller) watching TV inside. Late arrivals from an evening at the Southwest Museum with Norman and Erlenne Sprague were Mary and Bradley Jones (Jenny’s parents and the former owners of the Lannis’ new home).
