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I must object to the use of the “Fraud Broads” as an example to prove Judy Flander’s point (“Women Are Fair Game Again on TV,” Sept. 10).

The origin of the use of “Fraud Broads” came from a 1982 article in California Living that was used as the starting point for developing the series. (The women cops in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s fraud division call themselves the “Fraud Broads”--we, the producers, borrowed it from reality.)

The pilot--called more accurately “Fraud Squad”--didn’t sell, but ABC decided to make another pilot, this time more in line with our research.


Flander indicts “male Hollywood producers” but it should be pointed out that her prescription for the so-called ills of television (calling for more female programmers) seems, in this case, ill-researched.

Ann Daniel, senior vice president of programming at ABC, is the reason we made “Fraud Squad” and “Fraud Squad II.” Her guidance and support is sought and valued by many of us “Hollywood” producers, both male and female.


Executive Producer

“Fraud Squad”
