
Reagan Names S.D. Teacher

Times Staff Writer

Paul M. Jenkins, a teacher in the San Diego Unified School District for 15 years, has been appointed by President Reagan to a presidential advisory board on education.

As a member of the Intergovernmental Agency Council on Education, Jenkins will attend quarterly meetings where topics such as merit pay for teachers, teacher preparation and retention, and job training and retraining are discussed. The board consists of five teachers, five administrators, five elected political officials and five parents.

Jenkins, whose appointment is to be made official by the federal Department of Education on Monday, is a project research teacher and is involved in the achievement goals program at Baker Elementary, a magnet school for music students. Jenkins said he is responsible for the overall academic climate of the school, places students in their appropriate reading levels, orders educational materials and sees that teachers have the resources they need to teach.


“As a teacher, I begin to see that more things are involved in the classroom than the four walls,” he sid. “I think that working with the federal government is a way to help education. I see this as a way to help kids.”

According to Jacqueline McGregor, executive director of the Council on Education, the agency is receiving more attention from legislators as its assessments of educational issues pinpoint problems that have economic consequences for states, including their ability to attract industry.
