
Residents Protest Council Spending

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The article . . . in your newspaper concerning the Norwalk City Council officials spending taxpayers’ money for so-called “hospitality” rooms is a bunch of bunk.

I still cannot believe that grown people have to give other officials liquor to get them to agree, or partly agree, on a certain issue. Even after the liquor is all gone and the official awakes from an almost forgotten night, what is he going to remember? (1) Where the booze came from? or (2) Who mixed my drink? or (3) Did I lose my wallet? or (4) Oh, my head. It sure does ache.

He is not going to remember what and/or who he agreed to.

Oh well, there goes the taxpayers’ money. I’m sure we will try again to have that official remember our agreement at the next “cocktail hospitality room” at another meeting like this one.



