
15th Chess Game a Draw on 22 Moves

Associated Press

World chess champion Anatoly Karpov and challenger Gary Kasparov agreed Saturday to draw their 15th game of the title series after the 22nd moves.

The score in the world match is tied at 7.5 points. If the score is still tied after 24 games, Karpov will retain his title.

Each currently has two victories, with the remainder of their scores consisting of draws. A player earns one point for each victory and a half-point for a draw.


Kasparov played white during the 15th game, which began with the Petroff defense.

Here are the moves:

Kasparov-Karpov 15: 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 N-KB3 N-KB3 3 NxP P-Q3 4 N-KB3 NxP 5 P-Q4 P-Q4 6B-Q3 N-QB3 7 0-0 B-KN5 8 P-B4 N-B3 9 N-B3 BxN 10 QxB NxP 11 R-K1 ch B-K2 12 Q-Q1 N-K3 13 PxP NxP 14 B-N5 ch P-B3 15 NxN PxB 16 Q-N3 0-0 17 NxBch QxN 18 QxP P-QR3 19 Q-N3 KR-Q1 20 B-K3 QR-B1 21 QR-B1 P-R3 22 P-KR3 N-Q5 Draw agreed.
