
The Dodgers


Regarding your editorial (Oct. 20), about the “fat lady” having sung “for the last time this season in Chavez Ravine,” it was a pretty and loyal sentiment; but in my opinion, the season hovered precariously on the point of being over, so far as our hopes were concerned, every time those fat boys in Dodger uniforms came out to play.

That was sport! Those were athletes! They looked like any other corporate types who’ve been using Grecian Formula, suited up to gambol around the baseball green, looking silly.

I like my men mean and slim, so I had said “yuk” to the games until the playoffs. You want to know what the shock of those games was for me? They called that pitcher, Tom Niedenfuer, a kid. He’s a kid? He looked like any other middle-aged executive vice president. And that Pedro Guerrero. He’s either pregnant or pushing 50.


Baseball is getting to be the national obscenity. All the players are overweight, but the Dodgers looked fatter than most. They were certainly not as trim as the Cardinals.

If Tom Lasorda wants to do something about his team, he should issue an order that everyone, starting with himself, must lose at least 20 pounds by next season. Then maybe when his players come up to bat, they will be more willing to swing, rather than sag back in their preponderant protuberances and try to figure the pitch, coming to a decision just in time--when the ball is halfway past them--to hit another foul ball.

