
Commodore Circle Renters and Their Living Conditions


It was with some dismay that I read your article by Heidi Evans in last Sunday’s (Nov. 10) Orange County section. The article was quite sympathetic to the “plight” of renters on Commodore Circle in Huntington Beach.

Last Monday I conducted my own investigation of the situation by driving in and out of the short cul-de-sac. In a half-block distance I counted no fewer than nine shopping carts upended on the front lawns of units. Unintelligible graffiti was sprayed on nearly every wall.

After reading your account of 10 men living in a two-bedroom apartment with a broken shower, eight adults and six children in an apartment with a broken toilet seat and damaged ceilings and walls, I wonder what type of people these really are.


Surely 10 men ought to be able to devise a method of keeping a shower head attached to a pipe! If worse comes to worse they could pool their resources and buy a $10 shower head. I also don’t understand why eight adults cannot scrape together enough money to buy a $7 toilet seat.

The plain hard fact is that these people don’t care enough about their environment to fix even the simplest things. Why should the landlord bother fixing anything; the tenants will just wreck it through negligence and overuse.

I moved from Santa Ana to Huntington Beach to get away from these types of people. Why doesn’t the health department and immigration service perform the duties they’ve been hired to perform?


Huntington Beach
