
The Region - News from Nov. 19, 1985

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Hustler publisher Larry Flynt has agreed to pay the government $600,499.91 in back taxes for 1983-84, a federal prosecutor said in Los Angeles. Flynt’s attorney, William Cohen, could not be reached for comment. Flynt balked at paying the amount by the Oct. 31 due date, claiming that the government owes him $592,887 for a solar energy tax investment he made between 1981 and 1983. The government never honored that claim, Flynt said in an attempt to keep the government from seizing assets. But instead of continuing with his attempt to get a preliminary injunction from U.S. District Judge David W. Williams to prevent the seizing of assets, Flynt agreed to pay the amount owed, Assistant U.S. Atty. Arthur Greenwald said. Flynt will seek his refund through a lawsuit, Greenwald said, adding that the government will oppose the refund.
