
San Diego

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The Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, a 23-member panel planning a three-year celebration of the nation’s fundamental legal document, will meet at the University of San Diego in February.

The two-day visit will come at the invitation of Bernard Siegan, a professor of law at the university who is a member of the commission.

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger is chairman of the panel, whose charge is to inform the public about the Constitution and its role in securing basic freedoms. House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill Jr., author Phyllis Schlafly, and Sens. Edward Kennedy, Strom Thurmond and Ted Stevens are among the commission members.


A university spokesman was uncertain if the commission would hold a public session in San Diego. The commission has been criticized for holding closed-door meetings, but a federal court has ruled that it is free to bar the public from its sessions.
