
Opposition to Bird Strong and Relatively Static, Pollsters Find

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Times Staff Writer

Public opposition to the reconfirmation of California Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird remains strong, but the erosion of her popularity has not quickened during the last six months, according to the latest California Poll conducted by Mervin D. Field.

Published Wednesday, the poll also shows that voters continue to favor the reconfirmation of the three Supreme Court justices who, besides Bird, have been targeted for defeat by conservative groups.

The poll, which surveyed 757 voters between Nov. 18 and Dec. 2, found that 48% opposed Bird’s reconfirmation while 35% favored it and 17% were undecided. Compared to the results of a Field poll in February, the latest numbers reflect a sharp drop in Bird’s popularity. In February, she received a 35% negative rating and a 30% positive rating, with 35% undecided.


Difference ‘Insignificant’

However, the current 13% margin against the chief justice’s reconfirmation is only 3% wider than it was in a Field poll conducted in May. The difference is “insignificant,” Field said, adding that there is a 4% margin of error in the most recent poll.

Steve Glazer, a spokesman for Bird’s campaign, said Wednesday that the results of the most recent poll are heartening.

“The anti-court groups have spent over $2 million, sent out over 4 million pieces of mail and bought thousands of dollars of radio ads to distort the chief justice’s record, and yet they have shown very little movement over the last several months. I’m greatly encouraged that the public has not been duped by their campaign of half-truths and misrepresentation,” Glazer said.


The campaign against the court’s liberal majority, made up of Bird and three colleagues--Justices Joseph R. Grodin, Stanley Mosk and Cruz Reynoso--has focused on the court’s record on death penalty cases. The court has overturned all but three of the 42 death penalty cases it has reviewed, and Bird has never voted to sustain a death penalty.

Justices Hold Leads

The most recent Field poll showed voters in favor of reconfirming Grodin by 35% to 15%, with 50% undecided; in favor of Mosk by 45% to 18%, with 37% undecided, and in favor of Reynoso 32% to 23%, with 45% undecided.

The poll also questioned voters about Justice Malcolm M. Lucas, who is not a target of organized opposition, and found voters favoring Lucas’ reelection 38% to 13%, with 49% undecided.
